Narcoossee District Newsletter—February 2025
Latest news and updates from the Narcoossee District of the Central Florida Council BSA.<!–
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February 2025
Narcoossee District
2/6/25 Narcoossee District Commissioner Meeting (Virtual)
2/13/25 Narcoossee District Committee Meeting (Virtual)
2/20/25 Narcoossee District Roundtable
Central Florida Council
2/7/25 – 2/9/25 Camp La-No-Che Activity Weekend (CLAW)
2/8/25 Central Florida Council District Leadership Summit
2/28/25 – 3/2/25 CFC Spring Wood Badge Course, Weekend 1
Click here for full 2025 Narcoossee District Calendar (updated 1/29/2025)
Warm congratulations to scouts in the Narcoossee District who have earned the Eagle rank in the last month!
Evan Shash, Troop 641
Victoria Culler, Troop 4240
Victoria Rambo, Troop 4613
Ethan Peacock, Troop 202
Clayton Berardi, Troop 24
Narcoossee District Winner & Runner-Up
Congratulations to Jacob Blaney of Troop 62 for being selected as the 2024 Narcoossee District Eagle Scout Service Project WINNER and the recipient of the James E. West award. His Eagle Project, Haiti Baby-Basket Project, consisted of assembling boxes full of supplies for newborns and their mothers.
Congratulations to Kanaan Walsh of Troop 148 for being selected as the 2024 Narcoossee District Eagle Scout Service Project RUNNER-UP. His Eagle Project, Blue Heron Reef Clean Up, consisted of a single long dive wherein fishing gear and debris were removed from a reef near a fishing pier.
Of particular note to both Leaders and Parents is the new guidance for Online Merit Badge Classes; please review the table below and follow this guidance when selecting and approving online MB classes for your scouts.
As a reminder, all Eagle Scout related district correspondence (Proposal Reviews, BOR requests, etc) should now be sent to narcoosseeadvancement@gmail.com.
Dan Morrison
Narcoossee Advancement Chair
Welcome to our 2025 Narcoossee District Key 4 Leadership!
District Chair: Kathy Vickroy, kathyvickroy@yahoo.com
District Commissioner: John Rhodes, john.elmer.rhodes@gmail.com
District Executives: Haley Helton, haley.helton@cflscouting.org, and George Gage (CFC work email coming soon)
Another Narcoossee District Webelos Woods is in the books! It was a great success…
Over 100 cubs from 6 packs were in attendance
Over 200 flags were retired
Pack 15 had the most scouts in attendance, and Pack 24 won the Spirit log
Seven derby cars participated in the Lash Box Derby
Big thanks to Evan Yaros and Crew 911 for leading this event and to Troops 23, 184, and 4184 for volunteering to help out. Thank you also to all the packs and families that came out and participated!
Narcoossee District has tentatively scheduled the 2025 Spring Camporee for Scouts BSA troops on May 2-4, 2025 at Camp LaNoChe. The theme is “Cook or be Cooked”. It will be a combined effort from Seminole, Eagle Empire, and Narcoossee districts. As a reminder, this is a no-cost event as the fee is covered by the council program fee. But we need to know if there is sufficient interest to move forward!
Please contact Kathy Vickroy by February 20th if your troop is interested in attending this event (kathyvickroy@yahoo.com, 412-758-9636).
This is an update for scouts who attended the Keiser Merit Badge Academy in November 2024. You can now download/print your blue cards through your event registration. Your event registration can be accessed directly via link from your event receipt. Or you can go to the event registration page https://scoutingevent.com/083-NarcoosseeDistrictMeritBadgeAcademy and login with the same credentials used for registration or use the ‘lookup’ feature in the top right of the page. Once you locate the registration, look for the bluecard(s) under the reports tab. For those still needing requirements to be completed, please speak with your scoutmaster to find a merit badge counselor to work with to complete the merit badge.
Our Narcoossee District is in need of volunteers to coordinate the following events. Please consider how you can pitch in!
District Pinewood Derby (Spring 2025, exact date TBD)
Adela Culler has agreed to serve as event lead, and a location has been identified. We just need another volunteer (or two) to join Adela in coordinating the event. If you can help, contact Adela Culler at lucky2birish@yahoo.com.
District Cub Family Fun Day (Sept 27, 2025)
Looking for a volunteer (or team) to lead this day event for our Cub Scout families. In Fall 2024, the event included shooting sports, rocket and regatta opportunities, bounce houses, touch-a-truck opportunities with fire and SWAT, and more. If you can help, contact Kathy Vickroy at kathyvickroy@yahoo.com or 412-758-9636.
District Fall Camporee 2025 for Scouts BSA (December 5-7, 2025)
We need a troop to volunteer to plan and host this event. This is a great team building exercise for your troop. If your troop is interested, contact Kathy Vickroy at kathyvickroy@yahoo.com or 412-758-9636.
Time to NOMINATE Your Unit’s Amazing Volunteers!
It is time again to recognize and celebrate our District’s outstanding volunteers by honoring them with awards! If you have not already, please take a few minutes to submit nominations for District Awards, including Individual Leadership Awards for different positions, Unit of the Year Awards, the Shining Star Award in recognition of a local organization that supports Scouting in our district, and for the highest honor in our district—the District Award of Merit.
More information and links to nomination forms for these District awards as well as Council-level awards can be found here: District & Council Award Nomination Info 2025.
The DEADLINE to submit nominations is February 28, 2025 for all District Awards and most Council awards.
Do you have leaders in your unit who qualify for requirement-based awards, such as Training Awards and the Scouter’s Key Awards? We encourage you to review the requirements and submit award applications for leaders who meet the criteria! We will recognize recipients of these awards in May at the Narcoossee District Recognition Banquet in May 2025. Applications can be submitted year-round to our Narcoossee District Training Chair, Dominique Rodriguez, at asmdrtroop175@gmail.com. But please submit by April 1st to ensure applications will have enough time to be processed ahead of this year’s banquet.
Den Leader Training Award
This award recognizes den leaders who have completed training, tenure, and performance requirements. Click here for Den Leader Training Award Application.
Scouter’s Training Award
This award can be presented to registered adult leaders who have two years’ tenure in their unit and have completed position-specific training and other performance requirements designed to encourage and recognize those who give of their resources to make the unit successful. For more information, reference the application appropriate to your program (linked below):
Application for Cub Scouts
Application for Scouts BSA
Application for Venturing
Scouter’s Key Award
The Scouter’s Key Award is a recognition for primary leaders who complete advanced tenure, training and performance requirements as a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Varsity Coach, Venturing Advisor, Sea Scouting Skippers, District Committee or Commissioner.
For more information, reference the application appropriate to your program/role (linked below):
Application for Cubmaster’s Key
Application for Scoutmaster’s Key
Application for Advisor’s Key
Application for District Committee Key
Application for Unit Commissioner Key
Oussauna is Narcoossee District’s chapter of the Tipisa Lodge Order of the Arrow. If you are a brother, please join our Band to receive chapter information, quickly contact Oussauna leadership, and connect with other brothers. Here is the link to join:
Zoom Meeting Join Link: https://stetson-edu.zoom.us/j/91534243391
Meeting ID: 915 3424 3391
The District Committee Meeting is attended primarily by District Committee Members, BUT it is an open meeting and all district members are welcome. If you are interested in getting involved in the administration of the district, contact the Narcoossee District Chair, Kathy Vickroy, at kathyvickroy@yahoo.com or 412-758-9636.
Next Roundtable: Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 7:00pm
We would like to invite you to the Narcoossee District Roundtable, which is typically be held on the third Thursday of every month at Centre Point Community Church (9580 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825). Doors open for gathering at 6:30pm, and opening flag is at 7pm. Roundtable is a great way for Scout leaders to share ideas, network and get information about our Council and District. Ideally, every unit should try to have at least one leader attend every month so that you can take what you learn to your Units!
This month’s February Roundtable will be held on Thursday 2/20/25. Program breakout groups will be offered for Cub Scout leaders and Scouts BSA/Venturing leaders. There will also be the first of three parts of a Communication Merit Badge class for youth who register (more info below).
Looking ahead…next month’s March Roundtable will be held on the second Thursday of the month (3/13/25), so it falls before area schools are on Spring Break.
If you have any announcements or messages you would like to present or convey at Roundtable, please contact Mike Hockman, Roundtable Chair, at mikehockman1@gmail.com
Merit Badge Counselor Dorothy Sokowski will be offering a Communications Merit Badge class at the next few Narcoossee District Round Table meetings! Scouts can join once a month for the next three months (Feb, Mar, Apr) to complete their Communications MB.
Dates: February 20, March 13, April 17
Time: 7:00—8:30pm
Location: Center Pointe Church, 9580 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando, FL 32825
More information and registration: http://bit.ly/42OOKhd
Narcoossee District is hosting two ‘Life to Eagle Seminars’ events in April—at different locations and with different levels of detail. The goal is to provide different kinds of opportunities and to allow members to determine what is best suited to their time, attention, and needs. In addition to these opportunities, plans for a virtual ‘Life to Eagle Seminar’ are in the works; details will be announced in a future newsletter.
Life to Eagle Seminar (In Depth)—Registration required!
Saturday, April 5, 2025, 9:30am—12:00pm
The First Presbyterian Church, 15 Church St., Kissimmee, FL 34741
Target Audience: Star and Life Scouts, their parents, Scoutmasters, Advancement Chairs, and Eagle Mentors.
What to Expect: Detailed review of the process and paperwork with time for questions from various stakeholders (scouts and adults)
What to Wear/Bring: Class A uniform, filled water bottle, pen/paper for note taking
Questions? Contact the seminar leader, Theresa Martinez at osceoladvancementchair@gmail.com
Register Here: https://scoutingevent.com/083-LifetoEagleWorkshop
Life to Eagle Seminar (Brief Overview)
Thursday, April 17, 2025, 7:15pm—8:15pm (at April Round Table)
Centre Point Community Church, 9580 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando, FL 32825
Target Audience: Star and Life Scouts. Adults who support these youth are welcome, but time for questions will be prioritized to scouts.
What to Expect: 30-minute overview of the Life to Eagle process followed by Q&A.
What to Wear/Bring: Class A uniform, pen/paper for note taking
Questions? Contact the seminar leader, Dan Morrison at scouting@dmorriso.com
No registration, just show up!
Narcoossee District is hosting Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) April 25, 2025 at 6:00 pm to noon on April 27, 2025. This course is for new Scouts BSA Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters and Crew Advisors. This is also good if you are a Webelos or Arrow of Light leader preparing to move into Scouts BSA.
We will offer Scoutmaster position specific training on Friday from 6-8pm if there’s enough interest. If not, this training must be completed online through your My.Scouting portal along with Youth Protection Training. Please contact Dominique Rodriguez at asmdrtroop175@gmail.com if you are interested in completing this portion of the training in-person on Friday.
More info and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-NarcoosseeDistrictIOLSTraining
Send your Cub Scout to an INVENTION CONVENTION Day Camp this summer! Cub Scout Day Camp offers boys and girls entering 1st through 5th grade in the 2025-26 school year a full week of FUN and exciting activites as it relates to the Invention Convention theme.
Narcoossee District is hosting two sessions of Cub Day Camp this summer! Session 6A—Narcoossee Osceola County—will be held June 16-20, 2025 at the Elks Lodge in Kissimmee. Session 6B—Narcoossee Orange County—will be held July 14-18, 2025 at Center Pointe Church in Orlando. Additional sessions on different dates are being hosted by other districts throughout the Central Florida Council.
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-DayCamp#
Camp La-No-Che Activity Weekend (CLAW)
For Cub Scouts and their Families, AND
For Scouts BSA Youth, Venturers, and Sea Scouts
At Camp La-No-Che
February 7-9, 2025
Information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-CLAW
Florida Origins Weekend (Formerly TNAW)
For Cub Scouts and their families, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts
At Camp La-No-Che
March 28, 2025—April 30, 2025
Information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-TNAW
Academy & Trades Weekend
For Scouts BSA, Venturers, Adult Leaders, and La-No-Che Seasonal Staff Applicants.
At Camp La-No-Che
April 4-6, 2025
Information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-Academy
Camp La-No-Che Spring Family Cuboree
For Cub Scouts and their families
At Camp La-No-Che
April 11-13, 2025
Information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-SpringCub
The Beast’s Revenge 2025
For Scouts BSA and Venturing
At Camp La-No-Che
April 25-27, 2025
Information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-theBEASTspring
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-NYLTsummer
Did you know that Narcoossee District scouts/units are welcome to attend events hosted by districts throughout the Central Florida Council? Below are some of the upcoming events that your scouts/unit can register for today. And best of all, many of these events are included in the CFC Program Fee (so no additional cost). More information and registration for each event listed can be accessed through the council calendar at https://www.cflscouting.org/calendar/
Cub Scouts
2/07/25 – 2/09/25 Seminole District Cub Family Campout
3/22/25 Timuqua District Pinewood Derby
Scouts BSA
2/07/2025 – 2/09/2025 Lake District Camporee
3/01/2025 Riverside District Life to Eagle Seminar
Please click the following link to get your tickets: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Boyscouts30
Now is the time to register for the 2026 National Jamboree! The Central Florida Council is actively recruiting contingent members to join us! This event is open to Scouts 12-17 years old and who are at least First Class Rank. We are also recruiting Venturing Scouts who are 14-20 years old. Participants need to register now to secure their spot in the contingent.
We would also like to come visit your units to share information about the National Jamboree. Please reach out to Joshua Ryan, Josh.ryan@troop314.net or 321-431-8560, to arrange a visit!
Online Training Opportunities. Here is how to get caught up with online training
• Take the online course for your registered position via https://my.scouting.org/. Remember that if you change positions, you need to register for the new role and take the training for that role to be considered “TRAINED.” Visit my.scouting.org for all your online training needs!
• Every leader must be Youth Protection trained. Don’t let it expire!
In-Person Training Opportunities. Trainings offered via online courses are also sometimes offered as in-person trainings. There are other courses (e.g., BALOO, IOLS, etc.) that are ONLY offered in-person. You may attend trainings hosted by Narcoossee District or any of the other Districts in the Central Florida Council. Training opportunities within Central Florida Council available in the next few months are listed below. Visit the Council Training Calendar to see all the training opportunities available within our Council. When you visit the calendar website, click ‘Apply Filter’ and check the box for ‘Training’.
BALOO and IOLS Training Opportunities
IOLS hosted by Seminole District
Sat. 03/01/25, 8:00am – Sun. 03/02/25, 1pm
Lake Mills Park in Chuluota, FL
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-SeminoleDistrictIOLS#
IOLS hosted by Narcoossee District
Fri. 04/25/25, 6:00pm – Sun. 04/27/25, 12pm
Moss Park in Orlando, FL
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-NarcoosseeDistrictIOLSTraining
Leave No Trace Trainer Course
Fri. 02/21/25, 5:30pm – Sun. 02/23/25, 2:30pm
Camp La-No-Che in Paisley, FL
For registered adult leaders in all scouting programs
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-LNTSpring#
Academy & Trades Weekend
(includes courses formerly offered ‘Training Weekend’)
Fri. 4/4/25 – Sun. 4/6/25, exact times vary by program
Camp La-No-Che in Paisley, FL
For Registered Adult Leaders in all programs, La-No-Che Seasonal Staff Applicants, Scouts BSA, and Venturers
Training opportunities include Aquatic Supervision, COPE Level 1, Cub Scout Shooting Sports, Red Cross Lifeguard Certification, Wilderness First Aid, and Youth Mental Health First Aid
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-Academy
Wood Badge Advanced Leadership FOR ADULTS.
By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change—skills that will make them a better Scout leader!
The Spring course dates are as follows:
-Virtual Orientation: Feb. 15, 2025, 10:00-11:00am, online
-Weekend 1: Feb. 28, 2025 – Mar. 2, 2025 @ Camp La-No-Che
-Weekend 2: Mar. 22-23, 2025 @ Camp La-No-Che
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-87143
Stan Richards, Dan Morrison, and Theresa Martinez are leading the Narcoossee District Eagle Advancement Team. You can submit proposals and general Eagle advancement inquiries to narcoosseeadvancement@gmail.com.
Please note the following information for Life scouts working on their Eagle Rank:
1. The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook was last updated in February 2023. Please make sure you are using the 2023A version when you submit your workbook for district review. The 2023A version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook PDF can be downloaded from the National website at:
2. Within the Project Proposal, the District Information requested on Page B should be entered as: Narcoossee Eagle Chair; (407) 889-4403; 1951 S Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703; narcoosseeadvancement@gmail.com
3. Life scouts who are ready for their Eagle Project Workbook review and District approvals have the option of personally meeting with a District Advancement team member by appointment. The Life Scout can still opt to submit and receive feedback electronically, if preferred. But in some cases, a short in-person meeting will still be needed for signatures. Electronic proposal submissions should be sent to narcoosseeadvancement@gmail.com
3. Dr. Phillips Charities has established a matching grant fund at the Central Florida Council to which Eagle Scout candidates may apply for partial assistance to fund their Eagle Scout Service project. Only projects located in Orange, Osceola & Seminole counties will be considered for approval. For more information and application: https://www.cflscouting.org/dr-phillips-charities-eagle-service-project-grant-application/
4. Eagle Boards of Review (EBOR) will be held by appointment at a location coordinated by the District. The Eagle Scout Candidate should contact the District Advancement team member specified by Council after application verification to schedule their EBOR.
5. After the EBOR is complete, units should NOT record the date of the Eagle Board of Review Rank achievement, as it delays the certification process with national.
Michelle Adamick is the Narcoossee District Merit Badge/Nova/SuperNova Coordinator. All requests to become a Merit Badge Counselor or Nova/SuperNova mentor should be submitted to Michelle at ColonialMB1@gmail.com.
If you are unsure of the status of your application to become a Merit Badge Counselor or a Nova/SuperNova Mentor, please send Michelle an email and she will advise.
Contact our Narcoossee District Camp Card Chair, Brittany Pickren at hana_nikori@yahoo.com, if you have questions or need assistance with Camp Cards.
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The Narcoossee District Monthly Newsletter is published on the first Sunday of each month. If you have announcements to be included in the newsletter, please email your request to wendyscout2@gmail.com at least one week ahead of a given month’s publication date.
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Colonial District BSA · 1951 S Orange Blossom Trl · Apopka, FL 32703-7747 · USA