Narcoossee District December 2024 Newsletter


Narcoossee District December 2024 Newsletter

Latest news and updates from the Narcoossee District of Central Florida Council BSA.<!–

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Narcoossee District Newsletter
December 2024



Congratulations to our Latest Eagle Scouts!

Warm congratulations to scouts in the Narcoossee District who have earned the Eagle rank in the last month!

Jacob Blaney, Troop 62
Zein Barakat, Troop 617
Thomas Kennedy, Troop 192
Kanaan Walsh, Troop 4148
Landon Story, Troop 910

Benjamin Visconti, Troop 424



Another Awesome Narcoossee BALOO Training!  

The 2024 Narcoosee District BALOO Training held at Moss Park in November was well-received and appreciated by the 22 Parent and Cub Scout Leaders in attendance. In the Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) course, participants are introduced to BSA policies, skills, and ideas for planning and implementing a pack overnighter. The networking and fellowship is pretty awesome too!

Big thanks to our District Training coordinator—Dominique Rodriguez—and her training team of volunteer Scouters, including Elaine Vail, Josh Lueck, Mario Jimenez, Bob Harper, Jeremy Jordan, Jason Kardos, and Linda McAvoy.



Scouting for Food Recap

Thank you to all the Scouts and Scouters who participated in Scouting for Food this year and helped to make it such an awesome success! Our Narcoossee District units collected approximately 62,110 pounds of food from our generous communities! 

Heartfelt thanks to our Narcoossee District SFF co-chairs—Art Polnasek, Arthur Polnasek, Kelli Chou, and Sonia Tzabery—for leading this service project for our district. If you haven’t already, please be sure to record your unit’s service hours for SFF and other service in Scoutbook (instructions further down in this newsletter). 



Unit & Individual Membership Renewal

The process for individual membership renewals is now separated from the process for unit renewal. Individual youth and adult BSA memberships are now a set 12 month term from the time of registering regardless of when the unit renews.

Unit Renewals: Our Central Florida Council requests Unit Renewals for Packs, Troops, Crews, and Ships be submitted by December 15, 2024. More information on Unit Renewals for Central Florida Council units can be found here:

Youth & Adult Individual Membership Renewals: Unit rosters in list the membership expiration date for each youth and adult in the unit. Unit leadership can assist unit youth and adults with knowing WHEN their membership is due for renewal and how to go about renewing their individual memberships. National BSA has created resources with step-by-step instructions for (1) Units renewing their members, (2) Parent renewing their youth’s membership, and (3) Adults renewing their own membership. See



Camp Card Season is Almost Here!

Virtual Camp Card Kickoffs are scheduled December 7th and 9th. Make sure your unit has at least one leader attend a Camp Card Kickoff to get all the information about the 2025 Camp Card Campaign. Register now for a Kickoff event to get all the tips and tools you need to succeed:



How to Report Service Hours

BSA Units from all programs are requested to record service hours in Scoutbook. This can be done by the Key 3 (CM, CC, COR), Advancement Chair, or someone officially designated as a Key 3 delegate in via Organization Manager. Only these positions have access to the Internet Advancement system in which the service hours are to be logged. 

to Scoutbook,
Select ‘Internet Advancement’ from the menu. (Note: Only certain positions have access to the Internet Advancement system. If you don’t see ‘Internet Advancement’ you may not have access. See explanation above.)
Select all scouts who have completed a given service activity (checkmark on left of name)
Click ‘Record Progress’ (located on gray bar) and then ‘Service hours’ 
Identify the date of the service project on the calendar, then click ‘Create New Activity.’
Complete the fields for project information, location, and details. 
Indicate amount of participation hours using the ‘basic’ if everyone did the same number of hours. (Basic is usually good enough for cub scouts.) 

Scouts identified in step 3 are included already. 
Estimate number of non-registered participants (siblings and parents) in the fields that request that information.
To include registered leaders, click on ‘Add Person’ in the top right of this page and select the registered leaders’ names from the list. 

Click ‘Record and Finish.’ 



Scout Craft

Paper Rockets are a great craft for a celebration! 

Materials: Paper cut to 3” x5 ¾” – or your desired size, Scotch tape, Plastic straw, Markers / crayons / colored pencils, Pencil


Decorate the paper.  You might want to wrap the paper around a pencil first to see how much space will be seen on one “side” of the rocket
Roll the paper around a pencil on the long side of the paper and tape the open edge of paper to seal it
Close the top of the rocket with scotch tape 
Insert a plastic straw in the open end at the bottom and blow to “launch”

Source with step-by-step picture directions:



Narcoossee District 
12/5/24 Narcoossee District Commissioner & Committee Meeting (Virtual)
12/6/24 – 12/8/24 Narcoossee District Fall Camporee for Scouts BSA
12/12/24 Narcoossee District Roundtable—December (Note: 2nd Thursday)
1/9/25 Narcoossee District Commissioner & Committee Meeting

1/10/25 – 1/12/25 Oussauna Chapter (Narcoossee District) OA Ordeal Weekend
1/16/25 Narcoossee District Roundtable—January 
1/17/25 – 1/19/25 Narcoossee District Webelos Woods
2/13/25 Narcoossee District Committee Meeting
2/20/25 Narcoossee District Roundtable—February 

Central Florida Council 
12/6/24 – 12/8/24 LNC Cub Holiday Weekend (1 of 2)
12/13/24 – 12/15/24 LNC Cub Holiday Weekend (2 of 2)
12/20/24 – 12/23/24 LNC Scouts BSA Winter Camp Session A
12/26/24 – 12/31/24 CFC National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) 
12/27/24 – 12/30/24 LNC Scouts BSA Winter Camp Session B
1/2/25 – 1/5/25 LNC Scouts BSA Winter Camp Session C
1/31/25 – 2/2/25 CST-16 2024 College of Commissioner Science
2/7/25 – 2/9/25 Camp La-No-Che Activity Weekend (CLAW)
2/8/25 Central Florida Council District Leadership Summit

Linked here is the most up-to-date version of the Narcoossee District Calendar May 2024 – May 2025 (updated 9/26/2024).






Narcoossee District Committee Meeting

The December Narcoossee District Combined Committee Meeting & Commissioner Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom at 7:00pm on Thursday December 5, 2024. The Committee Meeting will be first, followed by the Commissioner Meeting. 

Zoom Meeting Join Link:
Meeting ID: 915 3424 3391

The District Committee Meeting is attended primarily by District Committee Members, BUT it is an open meeting and all district members are welcome. If you are interested in getting involved in the administration of the district, contact the Narcoossee District Chair, Ron Randolph, at



Narcoossee District Fall Camporee
for Scouts BSA Troops 

When: December 6-8, 2024
Where: Moss Park (12901 Moss Park RD Orlando, FL 32832)
Hosted by Troops 617 and 4617 and Crew 617
Hello, Narcoossee District!  617 units are excited to host this year’s Narcoossee District Camporee!  The event will be the first weekend of December (December 6-8) at Moss Park in southeast Orlando.  We have an exciting Moana themed event planned.  Activities will be themed around
characters and activities you will have seen in the movie – Capture the Coconut (a variation on Capture the Flag), Arrow Spears, Navigating with Maui , strength games and an obstacle course.  Plan ahead for a Polynesian inspired cookoff competition and bring your patrol’s best Hula or Haka dance for our closing campfire.  A full leaders guide will be available soon.  The event itself is no cost!, though troops will be on their own for meals. If you have questions, contact Aaron Sherman at

Registration Link:



Narcoossee District Roundtable
Next Roundtable: Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 7:00pm

We would like to invite you to the Narcoossee District Roundtable, which is typically be held on the third Thursday of every month at Centre Point Community Church (9580 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825). Doors open for gathering at 6:30pm, and opening flag is at 7pm. Roundtable is a great way for Scout leaders to share ideas, network and get information about our Council and District. Ideally, every unit should try to have at least one leader attend every month so that you can take what you learn to your Units!

This month’s December Roundtable will be held on the SECOND Thursday of December, Thursday 12/12/24, so it has a bit more separation from the school holiday break. Program breakout groups will be offered for Cub Scout leaders and Scouts BSA/Venturing leaders. 

If you have any announcements or messages you would like to present or convey at Roundtable, please contact Mike Hockman, Roundtable Chair, at



Narcoossee District Webelos Woods 2025

With cancelation of the Council Camporee, Narcoossee District has been cleared to hold its annual Webelos Woods event on January 17-19 for Webelos and AOL scouts and their families. During the day, scouts will participate in individual competitions, and team competitions, including a lash box derby (for units that bring a derby car to race). In the evening, patrols will present songs and skits at campfire, and Crew 911 will lead a flag retirement demonstrating multiple methods. This cost of this event is covered by the Council Program Fee (so no additional cost). Webelos and AOL patrols are, however, responsible for bringing and preparing their own meals. 

More information and registration:





Please join our Band to receive chapter information, quickly contact Oussauna leadership, and connect with other brothers. Here is the link to join:  






Cub Holiday 2024
For Cub Scouts and their Families
At Camp La-No-Che
Two weekends to choose from: Dec 6-8 or Dec 13-15

Information and registration:

Winter Camp 2024/2025
For Scouts BSA Youth, Venturers, Sea Scouts
At Camp La-No-Che
Three sessions this year: Dec 20-23, Dec 26-31, Jan 2-5

Information and registration:

Winter National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
For Scouts BSA Youth, Venturers, Sea Scouts
At Camp La-No-Che
December 26-31, 2024

Information and registration:

Camp La-No-Che Activity Weekend (CLAW)
For Cub Scouts and their Families, AND
For Scouts BSA Youth, Venturers, and Sea Scouts
At Camp La-No-Che
February 7-9, 2025

Information and registration:






Events Hosted by Other CFC Districts

Did you know that Narcoossee District scouts/units are welcome to attend events hosted by districts throughout the Central Florida Council? Below are some of the upcoming events that your scouts/unit can register for today. And best of all, many of these events are included in the CFC Program Fee (so no additional cost). More information and registration for each event listed can be accessed through the council calendar at

Cub Scouts
12/6/24 – 12/8/24 Lake District Cub Family Campout
12/6/24 – 12/8/24 Challenger District Webelos Woods
2/07/25 – 2/09/25 Seminole District Cub Family Campout


Scouts BSA
12/06/24 – 12/08/24 Timiqua District Fall Camporee
12/06/24 – 12/08/24 Eagle Empire District Fall Camporee
12/06/24 – 12/08/24 Seminole District Fall Camporee
12/06/24 – 12/08/24 Challenger District Fall Camporee





Present the Colors at the Pop-Tarts Bowl Game 12/28/24!

Calling all scouts! You are invited to participate in a once in a lifetime opportunity at this years Pop-Tarts Bowl on Saturday, December 28, 2024 (3:30pm kick-off). We need your help in presenting the colors pre-game. Join us on the field, as they sing the National Anthem and you are part of the pageantry. 

Space is limited, so buy your tickets now. Tickets for Central Florida Council, Scouting America families start at only $35 for a lower bowl ticket. This is 40% off the price for regular tickets in that area. 

More information and tickets:






Your Training Update! Get Trained Today!

Please pass the word to all parents and volunteers that our scouts deserve trained leaders. As unit leaders, imagine a pack, troop, crew, or ship with 100% trained leaders!
Online Training Opportunities. Here is how to get caught up with online training
• Take the online course for your registered position via Remember that if you change positions, you need to register for the new role and take the training for that role to be considered “TRAINED.” Visit for all your online training needs!
• Every leader must be Youth Protection trained. Don’t let it expire!
In-Person Training Opportunities. Trainings offered via online courses are also sometimes offered as in-person trainings. There are other courses (e.g., BALOO, IOLS, etc.) that are ONLY offered in-person. You may attend trainings hosted by Narcoossee District or any of the other Districts in the Central Florida Council. Training opportunities within Central Florida Council available in the next few months are listed below. Visit the Council Training Calendar to see all the training opportunities available within our Council. When you visit the calendar website, click ‘Apply Filter’ and check the box for ‘Training’.

BALOO and IOLS Training Opportunities

BALOO hosted by Seminole District
Sat. 02/01/25, 8:00am – Sun. 02/02/25, 12pm
Magnolia Park in Apopka, FL
More information and registration:

2024 College of Commissioner Science

Fri 01/31/25, 5:00pm – Sun 02/02/25, 10:00am
Camp La-No-Che in Paisley, FL

The college of commissioner science (CCS) is an annual training event for registered commissioners. It helps the commissioner stay current in policy, techniques, and application of commissioner service to units. Please be sure to review the Course Catalog prior to beginning the registration process.

More information, course catalog, and registration:

Wood Badge Advanced Leadership FOR ADULTS.

By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change—skills that will make them a better Scout leader!
The Spring course dates are as follows:

-Virtual Orientation: Feb. 15, 2025, 10:00-11:00am, online
-Weekend 1: Feb. 28, 2025 – Mar. 2, 2025 @ Camp La-No-Che
-Weekend 2: Mar. 22-23, 2025 @ Camp La-No-Che

More information and registration:





Central Florida Council Advancement Updates

With Lynette Dukes’ retirement, some responsibilities have shifted around at the Central Florida Council office….

Eagle Scout applications, Venturing Summit applications, and Meritorious Award applications should now be directed to Lilly

Nova and Supernova Award applications should now be directed to Theresa Martinez,, and Mac Griffith,

After a scout’s Eagle Board of Review (EBOR) is complete, units should NOT record the date of the Eagle Board of Review Rank achievement in Scoutbook, as it delays the certification process with national.  



Advancement Reminders for Life Scouts

Stan Richards and Theresa Martinez are leading the Narcoossee District Eagle Advancement Team. If you have Eagle Advancement questions or requests, you have the option to contact either one of them. However, generally speaking, Stan is taking the lead for units geographically located in Orange County, and Theresa is taking the lead for units geographically located in Osceola County. You can contact Stan Richards at and Theresa Martinez at

Please note the following information for Life scouts working on their Eagle Rank:

1. The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook was last updated in February 2023. Please make sure you are using the 2023A version when you submit your workbook for district review. The 2023A version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook PDF can be downloaded from the National website at:

2. Life scouts who are ready for their Eagle Project Workbook review and District approvals have the option of personally meeting with a District Advancement team member by appointment. The Life Scout can still opt to submit and receive feedback electronically, if preferred. But in some cases, a short in-person meeting will still be needed for signatures. 

3. Dr. Phillips Charities has established a matching grant fund at the Central Florida Council to which Eagle Scout candidates may apply for partial assistance to fund their Eagle Scout Service project. Only projects located in Orange, Osceola & Seminole counties will be considered for approval. For more information and application:

 4. Eagle Boards of Review (EBOR) will be held by appointment at a location coordinated by the District. The Eagle Scout Candidate should contact Stan Richards or Theresa Martinez for further guidance on how to proceed, which may or may not entail the Troops obtaining their own representatives for their EBOR. 

5. After the EBOR is complete, units should NOT record the date of the Eagle Board of Review Rank achievement, as it delays the certification process with national.  



District Merit Badge, Nova, Supernova Memo

Michelle Adamick is the Narcoossee District Merit Badge/Nova/SuperNova Coordinator. All requests to become a Merit Badge Counselor or Nova/SuperNova mentor should be submitted to Michelle at

If you are unsure of the status of your application to become a Merit Badge Counselor or a Nova/SuperNova Mentor, please send Michelle an email and she will advise. 






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with Youth or Adults in Your Unit?

You can share this newsletter with others in your unit by generating a shareable link. Simply click on “View this email in your browser” at the top of this email. Then you can share the URL of that web-based version with others. 



The Narcoossee District Monthly Newsletter is published on the first Sunday of each month. If you have announcements to be included in the newsletter, please email your request to at least one week ahead of a given month’s publication date.  



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Colonial District BSA · 1951 S Orange Blossom Trl · Apopka, FL 32703-7747 · USA

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