Colonial District May 2023 Newsletter
Latest news and updates from the Colonial District of Central Florida Council BSA.<!–
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May 2023
We celebrate the following New Eagle Scouts in our Colonial District. Congratulations!
Kai Allen Cruzada, Troop 62
Frederick D. H. Rambo IV, Troop 613
We are super excited about the 2023-2024 Program Kickoff event taking place at this month’s Colonial District Roundtable Meeting on Thursday, May 18th, 7-8:30pm @ Center Pointe Community Church (9580 Curry Ford Rd; Orlando 32825). This event is designed to support unit leaders (including youth leaders) with learning about local opportunities for Scouting units in preparation for the 2023-2024 Scouting year. Please join us for this special once-a-year event!
Several local vendors and organizations will host tables to share program opportunities for Scouts. Vendors already confirmed to attend include Fun Spot, Wonderworks, XFL, Sealife/Madame Tussaud’s, YMCA, Solar Bears, Orlando Magic, Crayola Experience, and the local Tuskegee Airmen Chapter. Additional vendors/organizations are expected to confirm between now and Roundtable.
Our District and Council will also be hosting tables, so you can be informed and make the most of the resources available! Come learn about events and training on the district calendar, the Eagle process, how to become a Merit Badge counselor, how to get involved in the Order of the Arrow (OA), the provisional program for Summer camp at Camp La-No-Che, awards Scouts and Scouters can work on throughout the year, and more. Don’t forget to grab a hot-off-the-presses copy of the Council Program Guide!
Program Launch is also a great time to connect with our District Executive—Brian Gorman— to confirm or update your unit information (e.g., meeting day/time/location, Key 3 leaders for 2023-2024) and discuss scheduling of Scout Signup Night.
The bottom line is that this is the event you do not want to miss because attending will help you provide “unparalleled experiences for more youth.”
This month for the OA Grill, it is a choice of either a Hamburger, Hot Dog, or Veggie Burger. Includes a bottle of water and a bag of chips. Additional drinks and snacks are available for an additional dollar. It is $5 Cash Only. We will be serving starting at 6:30.
Menu and Pricing:
– $5 for choice of Hamburger, Hot Dog, or Veggie Burger + a bottle of water + chips
– $1 each for additional snacks
– $1 for soda
Please bring cash payment!
Pre-order your meal here: OA Grill Pre-Order May 2023
Come help celebrate the amazing Scouters in our District at the Annual Colonial District Awards Banquet on Thursday, May 25, 2023, 6:30—8:30pm! At this year’s banquet, recipients of the 2023 District Awards will be recognized along with persons who have earned Training and Scouter’s Key Awards. ALL Scouters, Scouts, and their guests are invited to attend! RSVP deadline is 5/21/23.
More information and to RSVP: https://scoutingevent.com/083-ColonialDistrictAnnualAwardsBanquet
You are invited to attend the Annual Central Florida Council Recognition Banquet on Friday June 2nd honoring the 2022 Kirk Hall Eagle Scout Class and 2023 John Rader Silver Beaver Class. Among the honorees will be the Colonial District Scouts and Scouters noted in the image above. Doors open at 6:30pm and the banquet will start promptly at 7:00pm.
Early bird pricing discount available for registration before 5/19/2023!
The Council Recognition Banquet brings together Scouts and Scout families throughout Central Florida each year to honor both the 2022 Class of Eagle Scouts who achieved the highest rank in Scouting program with the Silver Beaver Award. The Silver Beaver Award is the highest council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America.
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-2023councilbanquet
It is the time of year in Colonial District for every unit’s Key 3 to schedule a meeting with our District Executive Brian Gorman to discuss plans for Fall Recruitment and chat about your specific unit. A unit’s Key 3 leaders are the Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chair, and Scoutmaster/Cubmaster/Venture Advisor.
These Key 3 meetings are very important because they allow time and space for the District to listen and game plan with each unit regarding needs and the details of the unit’s specific yearly program. Please bring to the meeting your unit’s budget, calendar, and key leaders information as well as the key positions you will need filled come the new scouting program year.
Time slots are available for sign-up on Wednesday evenings mid-May through late-June at various Panera locations around the district. There are times available on an occasional Tuesday or Thursday in that timeframe as well. If you are part of your unit’s Key 3, please work with your unit’s other Key 3 leaders to identify a 20-25 minute block on the sign-up when all or most of you will be able to schedule this meeting with Brian.
Please use the following link to view the sign-up dates/locations and schedule the Annual Key 3 Meeting with the District for your unit:
As always, thank you for your hard work bringing Scouting to our community…we want to continue this and get better.
As you are planning for the 2023-2024 Scouting program year, we want to make sure you are aware of key dates in our Colonial District. Linked here is the most up-to-date version of the Colonial District Calendar for June 2023 through May 2024. Happy planning!
In the past a popular summer program for our Cub Scouts has been Day Camp. Unfortunately, It takes approximately 20 volunteers to run the program. We have been unable to get 20 volunteers this year willing to devote a whole week to the program. As a result we have been forced to cancel the program this year. We will attempt to schedule the program next summer, however that will be dependent on getting 20 volunteers willing to help.
If you would like to get involved in supporting Cub Scout Summer Day Camp in Colonial District in Summer 2024, please contact Brian Gorman. He would love to hear from you!
For this summer, Cub Scouts are encouraged to participate in the Cub Day Camps being hosted by other districts in the Central Florida Council. More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-DayCamp
Colonial District
5/18/23 Colonial District Roundtable—May **Program Launch**
5/25/23 Annual Colonial District Recognition Banquet
6/15/23 Colonial District Roundtable—June
7/20/23 Colonial District Roundtable—July
Central Florida Council
5/20/23 CFC Commissioner Conference
6/2/23 Council Recognition Banquet
6/5/23 – 6/10/23 National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
7/15/23 Popcorn Kickoff (Virtual, 1st opportunity of 2)
7/22/23 Popcorn Kickoff (Virtual, 2nd opportunity of 2)
Various dates – Summer Camp & Summer Mini Camp at Camp La-No-Che
Order of the Arrow
See Lodge Hadjo Chapter updates and other OA updates in the Tipisa Lodge Order of the Arrow segment at the end of this newsletter.
More Scouting Events to Know About!
Did you know that Colonial District scouts/units are welcome to attend events hosted by districts throughout the Central Florida Council? Below are some of the upcoming events that your scouts/unit can register for today. More information and registration for each event can be accessed through the council calendar, https://www.cflscouting.org/calendar/
Cub Scouts
5/20/23 – 5/21/23 Osceola District Cub Scout Spring Camporee
Various dates – Cub Scout Summer Day Camp
Scouts BSA
No District-hosted events are currently on the Council calendar for May, June, or July. Check the Council calendar for events scheduled in the Fall.
Registration is now open for Cub Scout Day Camp at various dates and locations in Central Florida Council. This year’s Cub Scout Day Camp features a fun-filled, revved up adventure as cubs go “off to the races”. Our Volunteer Directors are hard at work developing a program with FUN and unique ways to enjoy everything RACING.
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-daycamp
Central Florida Council will be hosting National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) this summer June 5-10, 2023. NYLT is the ultimate Youth Leadership Training available in the Council! It is an exciting, action-packed course designed to provide youth participants with the leadership skills and experiences they can use at home, at school, on the job, and at their Unit level. Attendees will gain the confidence and knowledge to run the Unit program in an atmosphere that is Scouting at its best!
To be eligible, Scouts must be at least 13 years old, 1st Class rank or above, have completed ILST, and receive recommendation from their unit leader.
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-NYLTsummer
Summer Camp is for Scouts who want to have a week-long experience at camp that will leave them with memories that last a lifetime! Scouts will be able to participate in up to five different programs, such as merit badges, or other specialty programs. Each day there are opportunities for troop time activities from shooting, swimming, climbing, to our evening Big Stump Mud Hike! There’s something for everyone at Camp La-No-Che! Including new in Summer 2023, Pop-up Merit Badge Experiences! Check out our Program Guide to learn more about what is new at La-No-Che!
Four weeks to choose from!
Wk 1- June 11-17, 2023
Wk 2- June 18-24, 2023
Wk 3- June 25-1, 2023
Wk 4- July 9-15, 2023
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-SUMMERCAMP
Summer “Mini” Camp at Camp La-No-Che is for Scouts who want to experience a shorter and more focused 4 day/3 night camp! Session A runs June 7-10. Session B runs July 5 – 8.
Scouts will participate in immersive programs focused on one program area—Adventure Camp, Aquatics, Ecology, Hobbies/Skills/STEM, Native American, Shooting Sports, or Trailblazers.
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-minicamp
The BSA CFC 6th International Jamborette is coming to Camp La-No-Che July 9 – 19, 2023.
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-jamborette
This summer, July 13-16th, Cub Scouts entering 1st – 5th grades can enjoy resident camp AND interact with international scouts that are attending the 2023 International Jamborette. All activities are centered around the international theme with the bonus of activities led by our international guests!
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-cubresidentcamp
The 2023 National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in the mountains of West Virginia is coming July 19-28, with opportunity to purchase daily tickets for attendance between Friday July 21st and Wednesday July 26th. Limited quantities of day tickets are available, so be sure to purchase in advance.
More information at https://jamboree.scouting.org/visitors/
Online Training Opportunities. Here is how to get caught up with online training
• Take the online course for your registered position via https://my.scouting.org/. Remember that if you change positions, you need to register for the new role and take the training for that role to be considered “TRAINED.” Visit my.scouting.org for all your online training needs!
• Every leader must be Youth Protection trained. Don’t let it expire!
In-Person Training Opportunities. Trainings offered via online courses are also sometimes offered as in-person trainings. There are other courses (e.g., BALOO, IOLS, etc.) that are ONLY offered in-person. You may attend trainings hosted by Colonial District or any of the other Districts in the Central Florida Council. Training opportunities within Central Florida Council available in the next few months are listed below. Visit the Council Training Calendar to see all the training opportunities available within our Council. When you visit the calendar website, click ‘Apply Filter’ and check the box for ‘Training’.
BALOO and IOLS Training opportunities this Spring have passed. Be on the lookout for more BALOO and IOLS training opportunities as scouts head back to school in the Fall.
Did you hear from your Scouting friends what an amazing time they had on Spring Wood Badge? Do you want to see what it’s all about?
Registration is open for the Fall Course – click here to sign up: https://scoutingevent.com/083-WoodBadgeFallCourse2023
Dates are September 8-10 & September 23-23, 2023
Please note the following information for Life scouts working on their Eagle Rank:
1. The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook has been recently updated. All earlier versions of the workbook need to be copied over to the new 2023A before district review. Download the NEW Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook PDF from the National website at:
Please note that the “Signature Page” (Page H) has not changed in the NEW Workbook Project Proposal section. If you have approval signatures already, you do not need to get them again. Just attach a printable image of that page with the NEW Workbook.
2. Life scouts who are ready for their Eagle Project Workbook review and District approvals have the option of personally meeting with a District Advancement team member by appointment. The Life Scout can still opt to do this process electronically, if preferred.
3. Eagle Boards of Review (EBOR) will be held by appointment at a location coordinated by the District. While the District will be coordinating the location, Troops are still encouraged to send their own representatives for their EBOR. If the Troop is not able to provide representatives, district representatives can be available.
Stan Richards is the Colonial District Advancement Chair. Please reach out to Stan at scouterstan@gmail.com for advancement related questions and requests.
Michelle Adamick has assumed the role of Colonial District Merit Badge/Nova/SuperNova Coordinator. All relevant requests to become a Merit Badge Counselor or Nova/SuperNova mentor should be submitted to Michelle at ColonialMB1@gmail.com.
If you are a Merit Badge Counselor and received an email from Scoutbook stating that you have been removed as a Merit Badge Counselor, please know that this was a system wide (National) glitch and is being worked on to be corrected. Sorry for the inconvenience!
If you are unsure of the status of your application to become a Merit Badge Counselor or a Nova/SuperNova Mentor, please send Michelle an email and she will advise.
For the Chapter Activity this month we are having an Ice Cream Social!!! It is on May 18th at 7pm located at Centerpointe Community Church 9580 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825.
Also, Tipisa Lodge Service Weekend is coming May 12-14!
Check out the Tipisa Lodge OA website for more news and information: www.tipisa.org
with Youth or Adults in Your Unit?
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The Colonial District Monthly Newsletter is published on the first Sunday of each month. If you have announcements to be included in the newsletter, please email your request to newsletter.colonialdistrictbsa@gmail.com no later than one week after the previous month’s Roundtable (the fourth Thursday of each month).
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Colonial District BSA · 1951 S Orange Blossom Trl · Apopka, FL 32703-7747 · USA