CORRECTION—Silver Beaver Award Nominations
Nominations for the Silver Beaver Award should be submitted to Stan Richards, rather than our Colonial District awards committee. <!–
Dear Colonial District Scouts and Scouters,
In recent communication about District and Council Award nominations, we mistakenly advised that nominations for the Council-level Silver Beaver Award could be submitted through our District Awards Committee like nominations for other District and Council awards.
We have since learned that nominations for the Silver Beaver Award are to be submitted directly to our District Silver Beaver Chair, Stan Richards at scouterstan@gmail.com. Additional detail on the Silver Beaver Award and the nomination process is shared at the end of this email.
We apologize for our error and sincerely hope that you will consider nominating deserving Scouters for this and other awards!
Yours in Scouting,
The Colonial District
The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a Council level Distinguished Service Award recognizing significant service to Scouting by a volunteer. Recipients of this award are a registered BSA Volunteer with exceptional character who has provided distinguished service within the Central Florida Council?
The nomination period is February 4, 2023 – March 31, 2023.
Recipients will be awarded at the Central Florida Council Recognition Banquet, typically held the early part of June.
Nomination Process:
1. Complete the Silver Beaver nomination form at this link: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-103_WB.pdf
2. Be sure to include a “Scouting Resume” of the nominee’s service accomplishments, any other awards, and associations assisting youth both in and out of Scouting. *Tip the more detailed information the better*
2. Send the form via email to our District Silver Beaver Chair, Stan Richards at scouterstan@gmail.com
3. Include the Subject Line: Colonial District Silver Beaver Nomination.
4. Deadline to submit is March 31, 2023, at 6 p.m.
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