Colonial District BSA – Newsletter August 2022


Colonial District BSA – Newsletter August 2022

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Colonial District August 2022 Newsletter



Back to Scouting 2022-2023!!!

Are you ready to welcome new scouts & families into your unit this Fall? Are you excited to see all the smiling faces from your new families/scouts and returning scouting families too?

Well, then you are going to be full of energy because starting August 15th we are getting kids all over East Orange County excited about joining your scouting unit. Please “Be Prepared” to “Do Your Best” when these new families come to Cub Scout Sign-Up Nights at your local elementary schools.

Some items to remember:

Remind your leaders about your sign-up night so you have help
Have an activity ready for the new potential scouts while the presenter gets the parents to sign all the kids up
Remind/ask your kids to go in uniform on the morning of your joining night help remind parents how special this program is for all students
Make some yard signs and stand on the carline again reminding the new families to come that night and join your scout unit
Follow up with any potential families who do not sign up that night from the den rosters you will be receiving after the sign-up night

Also, remember to be happy! Smile and get ready for families to join and assist with running amazing programs. This is the best-known secret and we are here to share it with every family in your community.



Colonial District 
8/18/22  Colonial District Roundtable—August
9/15/22  Colonial District Roundtable—September  **International RT**
10/1/22 Colonial District Training Day, TENTATIVE, venue needed
10/8/22 – 10/9/22 Colonial District BALOO @ Hal Scott Preserve, TENTATIVE
10/20/22 Colonial District Roundtable—October **Meet the Troops**
11/17/22 Colonial District Roundtable—November **Recharter**
11/18/22 – 11/20/22 Colonial District Fall Camporee
12/10/22 Merit Badge Academy with Kaiser University
Note: The Colonial District Fall Cub-O-Ree tentatively scheduled 9/23-24 has been canceled. Consider encouraging cub families to attend a Cub Campout or event hosted by another district. See below for a few options. 

Central Florida Council 
8/26/22 – 8/28/22 Level 2 COPE Instructor Training
9/2/22 – 9/4/22  Wood Badge Fall Course Weekend 1
9/17/22 – 9/18/22  Wood Badge Fall Course Weekend 2
9/23/22 – 9/25/22 Scouts BSA Apocalyptic Halloween (replaces Beast)
9/30/22 – 10/1/22 Scouts BSA Apocalyptic Halloween (replaces Beast)
10/7/22 – 10/9/22 Cub Halloween 2022  
10/14/22 – 10/16/22 Cub Halloween 2022
10/21/22 – 10/23/22 Cub Halloween 2022
10/28/22 – 10/30/22 Cub Halloween 2022  
11/5/22 Scouting for Food—Bag Distribution
11/12/22 Scouting for Food—Bag Pickup
11/18/22 – 11/20/22 Liger Growl
12/2/22 – 12/3/22 Webelos to Scout Transition  
12/9/22 – 12/11/22 Cub Holiday
12/18/22 – 12/21/22 Scouts BSA Winter Camp
12/26/22 – 12/30/22 Nat’l Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
12/27/22 – 12/30/22 Scouts BSA Winter Camp 

Order of the Arrow
Lodge Hadjo Chapter meetings held monthly at Colonial District Round Table. 
9/9/22 – 9/11/22 Tipisa Lodge Fall Fellowship
11/4/22 – 11/6/22 Section Leadership Conference



More Scouting Events to Know About!

Did you know that Colonial District scouts/units are welcome to attend events hosted by districts throughout the Central Florida Council? Below are some of the upcoming events that your scouts/unit can register for today. More information and registration for each event can be accessed through the council calendar,

Cub Scouts
9/3/22  Lake District Shooting Sports Day
9/24/22  Lake District ‘Hooked on Scouting’ Fishing Event
9/24/22  Eagle Empire District BBB Day (BB’s and Bows)
9/30/22 – 10/2/22 Timiqua District Fall Family Campout
10/7/22 – 10/9/22  Riverside Under Seige Campout
10/14/22 – 10/16/22 Lake District Cub Family Campout

Scouts BSA
9/3/22  Lake District Shooting Sports Day 
9/16/22 – 9/18/22  Eagle Empire District Raft Regatta
10/7/22 – 10/9/22  Riverside Under Seige Campout
10/14/22 – 10/16/22 Lake District Fall Camporee – Scout Olympics 
11/18/22 – 11/20/22  Challenger District Fall Camporee – Pioneering



Colonial District Roundtable
Next Roundtable: Thursday August 18, 2022 at 7pm

We would like to invite you to the Colonial District Roundtable the 3rd Thursday of every month at Centre Point Community Church (9580 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825). Doors open for gathering at 6:30pm, and opening flag is at 7pm. 

Roundtable is a great way for Scout leaders to share ideas, network and get information about our Council and District. Ideally, every unit in our Council should try to have at least one leader attend every month so that you can take what you learn to your Units!

Thank you all for making our Roundtable the most attended Roundtable in the Council!! Don’t forget bring a friend. If you have any announcements or messages you would like to present or convey please contact   Mike Hockman, Roundtable Chair,



Troops Invited to Host a Booth at Colonial District’s
International Round Table on September 15, 2022 



Cub Halloween 2022 at Camp La-No-Che!

More information and registration for Cub Halloween Weekends:



NEW in 2022! Scouts BSA Apocalyptic Halloween!
**Just for Scouts BSA Troops, Crews, Ship!s, and Posts**


More information and registration for Scouts BSA Apocalyptic Halloween:



Attend the National Jamboree! July 19-28, 2023

If you are considering the National Jamboree, now is the time to take action! The CFC National Jamboree Troops have their first meetings this month. 
For more information and link to registration, go to: 




Popcorn Campaign 2022: “Build Your Own Adventure”

The 2022 Popcorn Campaign is underway! This fundraiser can be used to fund your entire scouting year. It isn’t too late to participate! The next popcorn order deadline is coming up on 9/16/22. Checkout the popcorn page on the CFC website for  information on everything popcorn:

If you have questions, contact our Colonial District Popcorn Kernel, Kathy Vickroy, at



Your Training Update! Get Trained Today!
With a new Scouting Year come new training needs. School nights are beginning and hundreds of new scout leaders will join our ranks along with thousands of new scouts. Please pass the word to all parents and volunteers that our scouts deserve trained leaders. As unit leaders, imagine a pack, troop, crew, or ship with 100% trained leaders!
Online Training Opportunities. Here is how to get caught up with online training
• Take the online course for your registered position via Remember that if you change positions, you need to register for the new role and take the training for that role to be considered “TRAINED.” Visit for all your online training needs!
• Every leader must be Youth Protection trained. Don’t let it expire!
In-Person Training Opportunities. Trainings offered via online courses are also sometimes offered as in-person trainings. There are other courses (e.g., BALOO, IOLS, etc.) that are ONLY offered in-person. You may attend trainings hosted by Colonial District or any of the other Districts in the Central Florida Council. Some of the offerings are listed below. Visit the Council Training Calendar to see all the training opportunities available within our Council. When you visit the calendar website, click ‘Apply Filter’ and check the box for ‘Training’.

BALOO and IOLS Training Opportunities

BALOO/IOLS hosted by Challenger District
Sat. 10/8/22, 7:30am – Sun. 10/9/22, 10am
Kars Park, Merrit Island, FL
More information and registration:

BALOO/IOLS hosted by Timiqua District 
Sat. 10/29/22, 8am – Sun. 10/30/22, 11am
Lake Ashby Park, New Smyrna Beach, FL
More information and registration:

BALOO/IOLS hosted by Lake District 
Sat. 11/19/22, 8am – Sun. 11/20/22, 11am
Camp La-No-Che, Paisley, FL
More information and registration:

Wood Badge Advanced Leadership FOR ADULTS.
By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change. Participants will better learn to understand and appreciate diversity and differences in our society. They will learn skills that will make them a better Scout leader!
Registration is NOW open for the Fall 2022 Wood Badge course!
-Orientation: August 21, 2022 @ Camp La-No-Che
-Weekend 1: September 3 – 5, 2022 @ Camp La-No-Che
-Weekend 2: September 17 – 18, 2022 @ Camp La-No-Che

Learn more and register:

Level 2 COPE Instructor Training

Camp La-No-Che in Paisley, Florida invites you to attend our upcoming COPE Level 2 Instructor Training in August 2022, provided by Certified BSA Region/Territory COPE Trainers, in collaboration between Central Florida, Greater Tampa Bay, Gulf Stream, North Florida, South Florida, and Southwest Florida Councils.

When: Friday, August 26th, 2022, 8:00am—Sunday, August 28th, 5:00pm
Where: Camp La-No-Che
Cost: $85  (includes course materials, food, air-conditioned bunkhouses for overnight stay)

More information and registration: 


NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) FOR YOUTH

Let it be known to all eligible Lads and Lasses, registration for Winter 2022 National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is LIVE!

NYLT is an exciting, action-packed week designed to provide youth participants with the leadership skills and experiences they can use at home, at school, on the job, and at their Unit level. Youth are eligible to participate if they are at least 13 years of age, registered in ScoutsBSA, Venturing, or Sea Scouting, and meet rank requirements for their program.

For more information and registration:



District Merit Badge, Nova, SuperNova News!

Udgit Mehta is the Colonial District Merit Badge/Nova/SuperNova Coordinator. All relevant requests to become a Merit Badge Counselor or Nova/SuperNova mentor should be submitted to



Tipisa Lodge Order of the Arrow

OA Upcoming Events
Check out the Tipisa Lodge OA website for more information:



Starting in September 2022, the Colonial District Monthly Newsletter will be published in the first week of each month. If you have announcements to be included in the newsletter, please email your request to no later than one week after the previous month’s Roundtable (the fourth Thursday of each month).  



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